About us

Who are we?

We are a team of enthusiasts who aim to continue the magnificent history of Polish design and applied arts, while also emphasizing its social engagement. We believe that users of public and private spaces should have the right to shape them in a way that is functional, friendly, aesthetic, and accessible. We consider the impact of how these spaces can be changed, adapted, familiarized, and shared.

A few years ago we created an organization called nowyodel.org which puts selected designs of modern furniture and other equipment into production. We also bring back to life design "pearls" from the past, i.e. furniture designed by outstanding artists which has never been produced or has been forgotten, but is now a design classic. We promote Polish design, craftsmanship and the broadly defined applied and visual arts. We promote and popularize knowledge about these fields and their creators by organizing exhibitions, meetings and debates.

We believe in sharing skills, which is why we regularly conduct practical workshops in various fields of design, craft, applied arts, and visual arts, as well as design and technology and material consultations for enthusiasts, students, and practitioners. At Nowy Model we are oriented at Polish design, applied arts, visual arts, crafts, and design.

We are convinced that it was years ago and still can be one of the most valuable national assets. We cultivate its best traditions, and entrust the production to native, reliable craftsmen and small businesses. We believe that good design should be available to everyone. We believe that our actions serve both to increase civic awareness and to make a real difference to the environment: both private and public.

What are our goals?

  • Promotion of design, culture and Polish economy abroad and support for cultural, scientific and economic exchange with other countries.
  • Creating and popularizing a positive image of Poland in the country and abroad, strengthening its international prestige and economic position.
  • Conducting research, scientific, popularization, educational and educational activities to acquire and disseminate knowledge.
  • Activity for the benefit of cultural heritage protection, development of Polish culture and art as well as its cultivation abroad.
  • Activity in the field of widely understood activity supporting, initiating and promoting the dissemination of issues related to culture, science, art and popularization of innovative activities and new technologies.
  • Initiating, creating, managing, supporting, funding, and promoting clusters that connect vendors, designers, researchers, and research and development units to build a strong joint product offering at home and abroad.
  • Support and promotion of innovative activities, as well as research and development activities.
  • Promotion of industrial design as a source of innovative economy.
  • Educational and cultural activities, especially in the field of support, promotion and career development of the entities forming the cluster.

What are our major undertakings?

Projekt Osobiste Raje

OSOBISTE RAJE to innowacja dla seniorów i ich opiekunów. mająca poprawić relację przez hortiterapię i usprawnic pracę opiekunów.

Celem wydarzenia Osobiste Raje jest remedium na samotność i izolację seniorów, w skład którego wchodzą:
Warsztaty „Jak stworzyć OSOBISTY RAJ?” oraz OSOBISTE RAJE ABC relacji?”
Publikacja „OSOBISTE RAJE Must have”
Film „Po co nam OSOBISTY RAJ?”

Wieszak NEXUS na Warszawskich Targach Sztuki 2022

Rzeźba, wieszak autorstwa Cyryla Zakrzewskiego został wystawiony wśród innych dzieł wraz z galerią sztuki Ikikata.Art na Warszawskich Targach Sztuki w dniach 26- 27.11. 2022.

Wiszak NEXUS to dzieło, które łączy w sobie nowoczesny styl, oryginalny design
i funkcjonalność.
Najnowsza rzeźba Cyryla Zakrzewskiego przyciąga wzrok swoją organiczną formą. Zachwyca smukłą linią, doborem materialów i precyzją wykonania.
Jest to równocześnie niezwykle dekoracyjny jak i praktyczny obiekt, który nada Twojemu wnętrzu wyjątkowości.


Wystawa mebli oraz fotografii w połączeniu z cyklem warsztatów i wykładów, poświęconych historii polskiego designu od lat 50 XX wieku po czasy współczesne.

Celem wydarzenia była popularyzacja dokonań ważnych postaci polskiego projektowania z naciskiem na rolę wybitnych Wielkopolan.
Zadanie realizowane przez Fundację Nowymodel przy współpracy z Gminnym Centrum Kultury w Krzemieniewie oraz Gminnym Ośrodkiem Kultury w Rokietnicy, POLITURĄ czy Cyrylem Zakrzewskim. Współfinansowane ze środków Samorządu Województwa Wielkopolskiego.

Krzesło DUNE w Muzeum Śląskim

Do stałej kolekcji Muzeum Śląskiego trafiło krzesło projektu Cyryla Zakrzewskiego. Krzesło DUNE to oryginalne i wygodne krzesło, które jest równocześnie niezwykłym obiektem rzeźbiarskim. Do jego stworzenia artystę zainspirowały piaskowe wydmy, łagodne łuki oraz wrażenie ruchu spowodowane wiecznie przesypującym się piaskiem. Przeniesione na grunt sztuki użytkowej, zaowocowały nadzwyczaj ciekawym i dekoracyjnym obiektem, który nada wyjątkowego charakteru każdej przestrzeni. Krzesło DUNE wykonane jest ze sklejki brzozowej, ręcznie rzeźbione i wykończone naturalnym olejem.

Kolekcja mebli na Targach Orgatec w Kolonii

Wystawa mebli Cyryla Zakrzewskiego na Targach Orgatec w Kolonii, które odbyły się 25-29 października 2022.

Kolekcja Cyryla Zakrzewskiego w Mediolanie. Designerski luksus z cywilizacyjnego odpadu.

Premiera najnowszej kolekcji CONTINUUM Cyryla Zakrzewskiego w Mediolanie na Jubileuszowej 60. już edycji największych targów meblowych i wyposażenia wnętrz Salone del Mobile.
„Zarówno „Nexus”, jak i „Noise”, składające się na kolekcję „Continuum”, są wynikiem fascynacji Cyryla Zakrzewskiego naturą, ale też są widomym świadectwem poznania przez niego, i co najważniejsze, zastosowania, najnowszych osiągnięć technologicznych. Nie bez znaczenia jest w tym miejscu wsparcie technologiczne i wieloletnia już współpraca z Fundacją NowyModel. Ten mariaż pozwolił Cyrylowi Zakrzewskiemu uzyskać niespodziewane możliwości twórcze. Sypany, różnobarwny plastik z recyclingu umożliwia mu kreowanie płaszczyzn o dowolnym wzorze. Zadziwiająco „naturalnym” w swej plastikowej sztuczności” A.Saraczyńska

Meble na aukcji Cornette de Saint Cyr w Paryżu

Meble, które wyszły spod ręki Cyryla w warsztacie Nowego Modelu zostały wystawione na licytacji w prestiżowym domu aukcyjnym Cornette de Saint Cyr w Paryżu. Licytacja odbyła się 6.04.2022 roku. Aukcje zakończyły się sukcesem, a wyjątkowe obiekty zaprojektowane przez Cyryla Zakrzewskiego nalazły nowych właścicieli.



Cyril Zakrzewski's chair at the Arte Laguna Prize competition in Venice!

240 finalists from all over the world, including Dune chair and Erosion shelf designed by Cyril Zakrzewski, were presented in the international design arena.

Collaboration: Nowyodel, Cyril Zakrzewski.

Rajmund Teofil Halas' bookcase (reissue: Nowyodel ) at the exhibition: "Design. Poznan Unveiling".

The exhibition presents an image of material culture from the perspective of Poznan artists. During cross-sectional shows, the contribution of this community to the culture of our country is often forgotten. Few people outside the trade associate Bogusława and Czesław Kowalski's 1960s furniture set with Poznań, as well as Rajmund Hałas's contemporary furniture experiments from the 1950s or Aleksander Kuczma's postmodern experiences of the 1990s.

Współpraca: CK ZAMEK


Zadanie artystyczno‐edukacyjne realizowane ze środków Urzędu Marszałka Województwa Wielkopolskiego. Seria wystaw, warsztatów i debat realizowana w miejscowościach oddalonych od dużych ośrodków
POZNAJ POSLKI DESIGN to wydarzenia popularyzujące wiedzę o ikonach polskiego wzornictwa i sztuk użytkowych ‐ zarówno tych historycznych jak i związanych ze współczesnymi prądami projektowymi ‐ oraz ich twórcach.
Wychodzimy z założenia, że dobry design powinien być dostępny dla każdego. Jesteśmy przekonani o tym, że był on przed laty i nadal może być jednym z najcenniejszych dóbr narodowych, a także, że odgrywa istotną rolę w naszym życiu codziennym.
Prezentowani Projektanci: Rajmund Teofil Hałas, Bogusława i Czesław Kowalscy, Edmund Homa, Janusz Różański, Cyryl Zakrzewski, Karol Starczewski, Dorota Koziara
Projekt zrealizowano dzięki dofinansowaniu z Urządu Marszałkowskiego Województwa Wielkopolskiego w Poznaniu

Współpraca: Galeria Polskie Meble, Cyryl Zakrzewski Design, Locosystem, Politura, Modus Design, Teatr im. A. Fredry w Gnieźnie.

A bookcase with variable heights of his design, first put into production by New Model nominated for the ELLE DECORATION competition for the best design of the last two decades. 

The variable-height bookcase is a 1959 design by Prof. Rajmund Teofil Halas and was first prototyped and put into production in 2013 by the New Model team. The bookcase was nominated in the BEST REEDITION category in the competition organized by ELLE Decoration Poland on the occasion of its 20th birthday.
The independent competition THE BEST OF ELLE DECO in which readers choose the winners in 5 categories: DESIGNER, INTERIOR PHOTOGRAPHER, PRIVATE INTERIOR DESIGN STUDIO, AUTHOR BRAND, RE-DESIGN.

Nominacje w kategoriach reedycja:
Figurki porcelanowe/Fabryka Porcelany AS Ćmielów
Fotel 366/366 Concept
Fotel RM58 Classic/Vzór
Krzesło Lotos/Politura
Regał o zmiennych wysokościach/Nowy Model

Collaboration on the premiere model Circula designed by Tomasz Rygalik, presented in early October in Milan during the WE ARE NATURE exhibition. This exhibition was organised by a recognised Italian designer Rossana Orlandi as part of the international project "Ro Guiltlessplastic 2020".

CIRCULA is a circular bench creating a symbolic and functional space for integration and exchange of ideas. It is a non-standard project in every aspect, requiring close cooperation of several teams at every stage of creation. The concept, based on the assumptions of the ECO Solidarity initiative run together with the Polish Cultural Institute in New York, promotes the ideas of sustainable development and circular economy, advocating an ecological and human-centered approach to design.CIRCULA is made of 100% recycled plastic, thanks to which it fits into the concept of closed-loop design. Importantly, the cycle has not been closed, i.e. if the bench reaches the end of its usefulness stage, we can easily repair or recycle it again.

Projekt: Studio Rygalik
Współpraca: Boomplastic, Nowymodel, Cyryl Zakrzewski DesignWięcej: circula.org



International promotion of designer Cyril Zakrzewski's work at the prestigious Salone del Mobile.Milano fair and qualifying the DUNE chair of his design to participate in the international competition for young designers SaloneSatellite as part of Salone del Mobile.Milano.

Cyryl Zakrzewski has created a unique collection of furniture, which with its aesthetic values and technological solutions promote an ecological approach to furniture production and show nature and natural processes as an inexhaustible source of solutions, both aesthetic and structural. The designer has focused on modern technological solutions that make it possible to transfer certain elements from nature into the human living space. The main material used here is natural hardwood plywood processed with CNC in order to obtain unusual forms inspired by geological phenomena. The furniture is characterized by a unique design combining functionality with strong sculptural elements obtained by the CNC method. By combining artistic and sculptural sensitivity with comprehensive knowledge of woodworking and finishing techniques as well as CAD and CNC techniques, Cyril Zakrzewski has created a unique, aesthetically and materially coherent set of modern furniture.

Facility Name:Material of construction:Year of creation:
Caldera Table 1Hardwood plywood, maple wood veneer2019
Calder Table 2Hardwood plywood, American walnut veneer2019
Erosion Shelf Hardwood birch plywoodHardwood birch plywood2017
Dune ChairHardwood birch plywood2017
Kame ArmchairHardwood plywood, leather2018
Lamp Linium 1Oak wood, travertine stone, steel2016
Lamp Linium 2Oak wood, steel2016

SaloneSatellite was the first international design event to focus on young designers, immediately becoming a platform to meet and collaborate with producers, curators and the most promising young designers. Since 1998, it has been collaborating and taking place as part of the prestigious Salone del Mobile.Milano. SaloneSatellite focuses on the creative potential of designers under the age of 35. Many of the prototypes presented in previous editions have gone into production, and many of the 10,000 designers who have participated over the years, along with 270 international design schools, have gone on to gain recognition and be among the best designers. The challenge for SaloneSatellite has always been to imagine the shape of future design and to try to imagine how future generations will develop a new balance between design, function and beauty. Cyril Zakrzewski's organic, natural utility-sculpture objects were part of this spirit and this search for a new ideal form.

The world premiere of bionic furniture designed by Cyril Zakrzewski has brought him recognition in the eyes of critics and design specialists, receiving many positive reviews:

SaloneSatellite 2019’s global thinking designers

Milan Design Week – najciekawsze projekty
Krzesło polskiego projektanta jednym z najczęściej fotografowanych obiektów na słynnych targach w Mediolanie

Realization of the educational and popularization project - a series of design workshops and a lecture on the history of Polish design - for the Creative Haven - Cieplice Cultural Centre in Jelenia Góra:

  • Agnieszka Kula, graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, participant and author of many group exhibitions and an individual exhibition Camera Obscura, awarded in the competition "Towards an Imaginary Dialogue", for many years has been conducting creative workshops in cooperation with the Foundation Nowyodel.org
  • Furniture Design - designing and creating functional furniture as small works of art - conducted by Cyryl Zakrzewski, sculptor, designer, graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, treats design as an aesthetic and functional form, but not necessarily devoid of hidden reflection on the surrounding world.
  • Biżuu design - conducted by Kornelia Starczewska, a graduate of Da Vinci High School in Poznań, student of Willem de Kooning Academie in Rotterdam, instructor of activities and art workshops for children in Suchy Las Art Zone, cultural animator cooperating with Nowymodel Foundation.
  • Panel discussion with Agata Saraczyńska (art critic and collector, cultural journalist, curator of design and applied arts exhibitions) and Julia Starczewska-Zakrzewska (board member of Nowyodel Foundation): "Polish Design after 1989". The meeting was devoted to the development of Polish design over the last 30 years, how artists, creators and designers fared in the 1990s, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, and how they look for their own distinction today.

bookcase of changing heights designed by prof Rajmund T. Halas realized by nowyodel.org at the exhibition "On the other side of things. Polish Design after 1989" exhibition at the National Museum in Krakow.

The exhibition presents the changes in Polish design after 1989. It shows how artists fared in the 1990s under the conditions of nascent capitalism, how their works were influenced by postmodernism, how, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, they began to fit in with international design trends and how they are now seeking their own individuality in order to compete on foreign markets.
In the Nowy Model Foundation. we combine a modern approach to design and design, a search for new trends and solutions, with respect for the tradition of Polish furniture making. We try to recreate a small fragment of the iconic landscape of Polish design. We are particularly keen on pieces of furniture that, due to historical circumstances, were never put into production, that were forgotten and abandoned, but today - thanks to their unique design - are classics of design. Such as the Variable Height Shelving designed by Prof. Rajmund T. Hałas.
Zobacz artykuł: Z drugiej strony rzeczy. Polski dizajn po roku 1989

The Wrocław premiere of KRZESŁA KOWALSKICH at the Arkady Wrocławskie Art Gallery as part of Museum Night 2018.

The chair was originally part of a legendary furniture set designed by Bogusława and Czesław Kowalski during the communist era, but never went into production. Rediscovered, prototyped and implemented in 2014 by the Nowyodel Foundation.
The presentation of the chair was accompanied by a meeting with Jacek Kowalski, an art historian and the son of the designers, and the president of nowyodel.org and the initiator of the chair production, Julia Starczewska-Zakrzewska, as well as workshops for children.
Zobacz artykuł: Wrocław premiere of Bogusława and Czesław Kowalski's chair in Arkady Wrocławskie

KOWALSKICH CHURCH at the exhibition "Tango on 16 square meters" at the Zachęta National Gallery of Art (14.07 - 14.10.2018).

Tango on 16 square meters is an exhibition about a kind of residential gymnastics - a brilliant and well-planned choreography, but at the same time a truly acrobatic feat. It documents the ingenuity that has to be demonstrated in the search for architectural solutions in the conditions of housing, space and material scarcity. The project refers to the shape of the residential space during the communist era, which recurs in contemporary development practices. It refers to the movie "Tango" by Zbigniew Rybczyński, as well as to the current design standards and the popular "furniture wall". At the exhibition, in addition to the legendary set of wall units designed by Bogusława and Czesław Kowalski during the communist era, there will be an opportunity to see a chair designed by a married couple of Poznań designers, which was originally an integral part of the wall unit, but never went into production. Only thanks to the New Model was it reconstructed and since 2014 it is available on the market.
View Article Tango na 16 metrach kwadratowych

Organization of the debate "POLISH DESIGN TODAY: trends, education, customers and cooperation with industry".

(Poznań, Lake Strzeszyńskie, 24.08.2018) as part of the project POLISH CULTURE TRIP: GDAŃSK, POZNAŃ, SZCZECIN (organizer: Miastoholizm Association, partner of the Poznań edition: Nowyodel Foundation). Panelists: Małgorzata Kopczyńska, Agata Kiedrowicz, Ryszard Mańczak; Karol Starczewski; Chair: Agnieszka Ziółkowska. Polish Culture Trip is an international touring project presenting Polish culture and design through a converted port container called the Mobile Culture Institute.
Zobacz artykuł: POZNAŃ: Design nad jeziorem. Polish Culture Trip

QUANTUM CHAIR designed by Prof. Stanisław Figel with a special distinction of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the jubilee, 25th edition of the Good Design 2018 Competition.

The competition for the best designed products and services on the Polish market is organized by the Institute of Industrial Design. The chair, a Good Design finalist in 2018, is an element of the QUANTUM set, which was realized by Nowy Model. Simple, repeating geometric forms set at different angles create a dynamic, distinctive point in space. Beech wood was used for the structural elements of the QUANTUM chair, the upholstered elements are made of high-quality upholstery fabric.
Zobacz artykuł: Dobry Wzór KRZESŁO QUANTUM

Krzesło DUNE (proj. Cyryl Zakrzewski) i REGAŁ O ZMIENNYCH WYSOKOŚCIACH (proj. Rajmund Teofil Hałas) prezentowane w ramach ogólnopolskiej kampanii #WybieramPolskiDesign (organizator: GOOD INSIDE i PLN design – Inspirująco o wzornictwie, wnętrzach i architekturze) na wystawie najlepszych prac polskich dizajnerów na targach Warsaw Home

(4-7.10.2018, Ptak Warsaw Expo, Warszawa). Celem kampanii było promowanie młodych, polskich marek stawiających funkcjonalność, unikatowość wzorniczą, jakość i produkcją “made in Poland”. Do projektu zostało zaproszonych 10 projektantów i producentów mebli oraz oświetlenia, którzy wpisują się w definicję “dobrego, polskiego designu”, w tym Nowy model.
Zobacz artykuł: Wybieram Polski Design Krzesło DUNE



A CHANGING HEIGHT bookcase designed by Prof. Rajmund T. Hałas, realized by nowyodel.org at the exhibition "Elementarz polskiego dizajnu", presenting 100 most important Polish design projects of the last century.

The exhibition, organized by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute with funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage as part of the "Independence" program, was held as part of the Gdynia Design Days festival.
Preparation of the Kowalski Chair exhibition at SH Studio Szadkowski i Henschke in Warsaw. The classic chair, designed by a famous couple of Poznań-based designers and interior architects Bogusława and Czesław Kowalski, was originally part of their legendary furniture set during the communist era, but was never put into production. It was only thanks to the Nowyodel Foundation that it gained its material shape. It is a perfect example of how the vision of modernity from over 60 years ago, thanks to its simplicity, ergonomics, and innovation, is still valid, and how Polish design is an important element of our common identity.
Co-organization of the exhibition "Record. Rajmund Teofil Halas" (curator - Prof. Katarzyna Laskowska) in the Design Gallery of UAP in Poznań dedicated to Rajmund T. Halas, founder of the Department of Industrial Design at the State College of Fine Arts in Poznań and lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the Poznan university. The aim of the exhibition was to present the creative and didactic phenomenon of Prof. Halas, who was an important figure not only for the development of his alma mater but, above all, plays a significant role in the history of Polish design.
Realization of an educational and exhibition project popularizing Polish design "Nowyodel Corner of Design" in Stary Browar (Old Brewery) in Poznan:

  • Exhibition of the most interesting projects of Polish industrial design realised by designers cooperating with the Foundation. It featured, among others, designs by such icons of Polish design as Rajmund Teofila Halas, Boguslawa and Czeslaw Kowalski, Wojciech Hora, but also designers of the younger generation, such as Karol Starczewski, Cyryl Zakrzewski and Michal Dumin.
  • Design workshops for children led by Cyryl Zakrzewski, sculptor and designer, participant of numerous exhibitions in Poland and abroad (Japan, Italy, Slovenia, Austria), author of permanent installations in public space in Poznan and Tokyo, among others. During the workshop the participants learned how to make an ecological lamp from recycled paper using the papier-mâché method.

Artistic and educational project "Together with Marek Cecula we are looking for Poznań's identity" realized at the Rozruch Gallery in Poznań thanks to a grant from the City of Poznań. The aim of the project was to popularize knowledge of design and material culture and to support the promotion and identification of the city and region by linking the distinctive symbol of Wielkopolska and Poznan with the field of design, and thus with the tradition of design in Wielkopolska:

  • An exhibition of modern porcelain designed by Marek Cecula, a world-renowned artist, ceramicist, educator and curator, one of the most charismatic figures of Polish design. The exhibition presents porcelain objects made with the city of Poznan in mind and its promotion by design, referring to the symbolism of the "Poznan dumpling" and its identity significance for the residents of the city.
  • The "Design Laundry" workshop, inspired by the plein air work of legendary professor Rajmund Teofil Halas, activates local and university youth by encouraging creative and imaginative problem solving. During the workshop, under the guidance of Marek Cecula, participants faced design tasks related to the identification of the city and its problems.

A VARIABLE HEIGHT bookcase by Rajmund Teofil Halas is the winner in the Good Design 2016 competition for the best designed products and services available on the Polish market. Organizer of the competition: Institute of Industrial Design.
Must Have title for TABORET IMUGO by Rajmund Teofil Halas at Lodz Design Festival.
SMILE bench by Karol Starczewski presented as an example of social design during conference organized by Institute of Industrial Design in Warsaw.
Presentation of an exhibition of ceramic and sculptural projects by Marek Cecula and Christina Morali and her students in Athens.



Must Have title for KOWALSKI CHAIR by Czesław Kowalski at Lodz Design Festival.
Presentation of KRZESŁA KOWALSKIEGO (Kowalski's Chair) by Czesław Kowalski, KAWA I PAPIEROSY (Coffee and cigarettes table) by Rajmund Teofil Hałas and CD chair by Karol Starczewski at the exhibition "Sit down in Polish" on the occasion of the opening of the "BARBARA" center. - information point of the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016. The curatorial project by Katarzyna Świątek and Oskar Zięta aimed at gathering the best examples of Polish design in one place.

KANWA chair by Karol Starczewski As an arrangement of the space of Poznan cultural activities: in the summer garden of Teatr Polski, at the Biennale of Art for Children and the Short Waves festival.

Preparation of an exhibition at the Krakow Furnishings Trade FairThe exhibition was accompanied by a workshop entitled "Throwing a New Light on a Lamp", featuring designs by Rajmund Teofil Halas, Marek Cecula, Tomasz Augustyniak, Michal Kowalski, Zofia Żadan and Karol Starczewski. The exhibition was accompanied by workshops entitled "Casting a New Light on the Lamp", intended for design professionals and students, as well as design amateurs and children.
Participation in the Fair of Fine Things in Warsaw with a presentation of the achievements of newodel.org and a special appearance of Jacek Kowalski in connection with the Warsaw premiere of the KOWALSKI CHAIR.

A rich presentation of the year-long output of newodel.org at the exhibition at the Arena Design in Poznan.
Premiere projects: PÓŁKA POLKA by Paweł Grajkowski, MODUS TERRA by Cyryl Zakrzewski, IRBIS SURF & KITE by Michał Kowalski.
Master designs: Coffee and cigarettes table by Rajmund Teofil Halas and Kowalski chair by Czeslaw Kowalski.
And also: STUDENT WORKPLACE by Wojciech Hora and PARABOLICA by Ryszard Manczak, new furniture from Karol Starczewski's collection: BUJANA FOTEL, KOZIOŁKI 1/2x, KANWA, POSITIVO, LOCOSYSTEM and PORCELANA by Marek Cecuła of Modus Design for Ćmielów Design Studio.
Educational Projects:
A meeting, discussion, and promotion of a book by Jacek Kowalski (son of the designers Bogusława and Czesław Kowalski) entitled "Meble Kowalskich. People and things",
Lecture by design expert and collector Filip Speek "Where does so much furniture come from? On the history of Poznań design center".
3D design workshops in professional programs: ArtCAM, Delcam Designer and Solidworks.

Presentation of KOWALSKI CHAIRS and lecture by Jacek Kowalski for students of art history at the University of Wroclaw.
Presentation of KOWALSKI CHAIRS and lecture by Jacek Kowalski in the Mill Island Gallery of Modern Art in Bydgoszcz.

Participation in the Fair of Pretty Things in the Łódź Off Center Piotrkowska during the Łódź Design Festival with a presentation of the achievements of nowyodel.org and special participation of Jacek Kowalski in connection with the Łódź premiere of KOWALSKI CHAIR.

Must have title for Rajmund Teofil Halas' CHANGEABLE HEIGHT RACK at Łódź Design Festival.
Presentation of the exhibition "Design from our backyard"/"Next door design" with special participation of art historian and bard Jacek Kowalski, son of legendary designers Bogusława and Czesław Kowalski, in connection with the premiere of the Kowalski Chair at the Design Fair in Szczecin, as well as: workshops "We cast a new light on the lamp" for amateurs and professionals, meeting with Ryszard Mańczak and Karol Starczewski "How to be a designer and not go crazy? "for students and young designers taking their first steps in the profession, discussion "Where is Polish design?" with the participation of designers, interior designers, animators, journalists.
A lavish Poznan premiere of KOWALSKI CHAIR in ForForm Gallery (8 Paderewskiego Street).

Participation of Katarzyna Laskowska and Ryszard Manczak in the exhibition at ICFF (International Contemporary Furniture Fair) in New York under the title "Polish Design in New York".
Organization of "Design from our backyard"/"Next door design" exhibition and design workshops "We throw new light on the lamp" during the Interior Design Week in Gliwice.
Containers for waste segregation ORGANIC by Karol Starczewski nominated by experts to participate in the competition for the best designed products and services on the Polish market Good Design 2014. Organizer of the competition: Institute of Industrial Design.
Inauguration of cyclic Instrument Making Workshops in Jeżycki Cultural Center at Jackowskiego Street 5/7 in Poznań.

The exhibition "Design from our backyard"/"Next door design" presenting the works and achievements of nowyodel.org at the Trade Fair of Fine Things in the Jabłkowskie House in Warsaw.
Furniture designed by: Tomasz Augustyniak, Justyna Bagińska-Stosik, Michał Bartkowiak, Paweł Buszko, Marek Cecuła, Paweł Grajkowski, Rajmund Teofil Hałas, Michał Kowalski, Katarzyna Laskowska, Ryszard Mańczak, Tomasz Andrzej Rudkiewicz, Karol Starczewski, Anna Trafas-Kowalczyk, Maja Uzarowicz, Jan Węcławski, Zofia Żadan. Educational activities: workshops for students and designers "Design laundry: a new model of a nice thing" and family workshops "Become a festive designer".

Preparing an exhibition of new porcelain designs, designed by world-famous ceramicist Marek Cecula for Polish Porcelain Manufactory "Ćmielów" and "Chodzież" in Concordia Design in Poznań.

Two furniture premieres at the opening of TUTU boutique pop-up store in Stary Browar in Poznan decorated with the brand nowymodel.org

Exhibition of diploma projects by students of the Faculty of Architecture and Design. Two of the projects are PE-P 13 realizations, created in collaboration with nowymodel.org.

Exhibition "Design from our backyard"/ "Next door design" at the Arena Design in Poznań presenting projects by Tomasz Augustyniak, Justyna Bagińska-Stosik, Michał Bartkowiak, Jakub Buszyński, Marek Cecuła, Paweł Grajkowski, Rajmund Teofil Halas, Michał Kowalski, Katarzyna Laskowska, Ryszard Manczak, Tomasz Andrzej Rudkiewicz, Karol Starczewski, Anna Trafas-Kowalczyk, Maja Uzarowicz, Jan Węcławski.
There were also: design workshops by Michał Kowalski "Your New Model: Design Your Own Bag", workshops for technologists entitled "To Tame the Designer, or How a Concept Is Created" by Paweł Grajkowski and Mikołaj Wojtkowiak, creative workshop "Design Laundry" inspired by open-air workshops led by Rajmund Teofil Halas, discussion on opportunities and obstacles faced by Polish designers, entitled "Where is the Material for Polish Design? "with the participation of Tomasz Augustyniak, Marek Cecuła, Paweł Grajkowski, Ryszard Mańczak, Karol Starczewski, Anna Trafas-Kowalczyk and Maja Uzarowicz, technological and design consultations, and a "Hand made" happening prepared by actors associated with the Laboratory and the Strefa Ciszy Theatre.

Lamps COSY by Michal Kowalski on the exhibition "Wool wrapped in wool" at the Castle in Cieszyn.



NNomination for Design Alive Awards "for the nowymodel.org project, which puts unique archival designs by prominent Polish artists into production."
Presentation of designs by nowyodel.org at the exhibition "Furniture Design Tradition from Wielkopolska" as part of the Wawa Design Festival (SOHO Factory).

Ryszard Manczak winner of the 2013 Core77 Design Awards in New York. Nowymodel.org publicly presents its program and inaugurates its activity with a show of unique furniture by Polish designers at the event Dizajn Udomowiony in Wrocław (DOMAR Interior Gallery).