Cyryl Zakrzewski
design and sculpture
“The trick for me is to become opposites so that the boundaries between them are blurred. Nature and culture, light and darkness are in fact one"
Sculptor, designer, graduate of the Faculty of Sculpture and Spatial Activities of the Poznan University of Arts (year 2011). His diploma was honored in the Maria Dokowicz competition for best diplomas.
Uczestnik licznych wystaw w kraju i za granicą (Japonia, Włochy, Słowenia, Austria). Autor stałych instalacji w przestrzeni publicznej w Poznaniu (Ogród Botaniczny UAM oraz nad j.Strzeszyńskim) w Japonii (Tokio – Fukudenkai) oraz w Słowenii (Ptuj). Design traktuje jako formę estetyczną i użytkową, jednak niekoniecznie pozbawioną ukrytej refleksji nad otaczającym nas światem.
Since 2015, he has been working as a designer with Nowymodel.org foundation. He created dozens of original furniture and interior elements, several of which were introduced to the sale under the brand Nowymodel.org. Both of his works, Sculptures and furniture, are closely related to the world of Nature. Design is treated primarily as an aesthetic form, a kind of specific sculpture that is closer to man, the direct contact is established through use.
He has experience in the prototyping of difficult and unconventional constructions, also has a comprehensive knowledge of the machining and finishing techniques of wood and wood-based materials, castings of aluminum as well as machining of steel. In furniture projects, he works mainly in wood and plywood, often using generative design, CAD and CNC techniques in conjunction with sculptural craft. He pays special attention to make his designs stand out with unique aesthetics while maintaining great functionality.